Tuesday, December 27, 2011




Fooled? Yea. I came in with this lofty hope of having fun.

I’m not saying there wasn’t some joy, but those moments were short.

You see, while we ran, dam in our rear view, it was that water.

It just wouldn’t go away! It appeared to flow with our every mile.

Looping to the left, finally, the water no longer with our every step.

Oh, but here it comes again, this had better make me stronger.

The Veterans Memorial bridge we cross. They made us stronger!

Did they gripe and complain? I doubt they did it for the fun.

Abuelo, he just did it. Defending was the purpose of his constant step.

Unlike our mini trainings, his time of defense wasn’t done in short.

Over the years, wow, what’s his final count of foreign miles.

And while I wanted more of it, I’d guess he was tired of it, water.

Maybe it did make weak, but the friends told me to drink, water.

And because he’s a doctor, drinking it made me feel stronger.

Sight of it no, taste of it yes, either way, water stalks my every mile.

And I know with every step, closer to the finish, closer to the fun,

Donuts. It’s our running tradition, and yes, in our running shorts.

Butt in chair, donuts in hand, finally no reason to step.

Regardless, laces were knotted and you were required to take another step.

And while you pushed harder, sweat rushed down your face like water.

There wasn’t any give up, and no, this run needn’t be short.

The hills you would be facing wouldn’t melt, you had to be stronger.

Keeping that finish line in mind, yes, just maybe then we’ll all have some fun.

We’ll all be done. Finished, done completely with 13.1 miles.

Reality, check please. We’re nowhere close to our final mile.

And so dam, here we go again. Though finally closer to that finished step.

As we move into the distance, how can’t I see the fun?

No better group of friends will ever race past this dam water.

That is why we run. It makes our friendship stronger.

It’s our friendships, unlike these runs, not at all short.

The quick and short of it’s this; these runs will only make our friendships, that much stronger.

We’ll always find a way, with each new “mile,” to continue, to always push on to the next,

And  with each step, we’re that much closer, to that liquid, that water of life.

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