Wednesday, December 28, 2011

How many times have you been in that boat??

At the end of Matthew 28:20, we are told to "be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age."  He says always, but really, how many times has he been there and I've failed to recognize him, just like the disciples failed to recognize him in the book of Mark.  There, in the sixth chapter, we hear a story of their having struggles controlling their boats because of wind and rain. 

I wanna make that "boat" our lives.  How many times have we gotten into some situations, we're getting pushed around by the storms in life and because we're humans, perhaps our idea is that we can do this on our own.  Our God and creator, he takes note of this and he, by his own will, he steps forward to help and we get all frazzled and we don't even recognize him.  Our creator just wants to help, lead us away form the storm, directing us with his right hand to victory.  And just like he said in Matthew, "I am with you always," in Mark he's backing up that statment by saying, "don't be afraid, take courage, I am here."

Trust me when I say that I am also speaking to myself by saying this: always rememeber that in whatever the situation, Jesus wants to be apart of our situation.  He's a loving man, allow him in! I just pray that my heart isn't so hard that I'm not allowing just that.

Let's not be afraid when its our Creator and Savior,  walking toward our lives, to help, to love...unconditionally.  God bless!!

1 comment:

  1. It's such a difficult concept to accept: that we don't have to be so strong and independent. And I think even harder to allow ourselves to be "weak", so that He can be in control. Shoot, it's amazing what situations God uses to let us see that. Too bad, most the time we don't recognize it until we're at the end of our ropes.
